Thank You For Standing For Life
Your generosity to us is greatly appreciated. Without you, we could not serve our community’s women, men, and families. You are making a difference.
Text Vessel at 678-931-9272 to donate.
Your one-time gift enables us to serve her with excellence and impact our community. Your donation enables no-cost services and material provision. Thank you for giving the gift of life!
Patients Chose Life
Your recurring monthly giving enables us to serve her with excellence, impact our community, and encourages us to provide continuity of care as we plan for how to serve her better in the future.
Total Clientele Served in 2023
over 17,000 material items distributed in 2023
Baby clothes, formula, diapers, wipes, and other necessities help us become the hands and feet of Jesus to these women. Through your material donations, we can provide much-needed support to those we serve up to 2 years of age.
Families Served in 2023